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Our company is the first refilling machine enterprise in China which was founded in 1998, she is engaged in R&D and production refilling machine for the use of refilling chain store. Our "Youth" brand vacuum refilling machine had been obtained a magnificent sales achievement and set off a hot and popular wave of running refilling join-in stores. We obtained many patents and had been listed as key high tech program by China's Science and Technology Committee, and gained allowance from government. As the leading company, our products account for as much as 60% of the market share in this industry and got nearly 1000 join-in stores and machine users. We export our refilling machines to more than 40 countries and regions. There are many OEM machines made by us too. We can provide series of multi-function intelligentize refilling machines such as ZF05, ZF07, ZF10, ZF11, they could refill nearly all kinds of HP, LEXMARK and CANON cartridges. Please be free to contact us if you has any further questions.
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